Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Baruk Khazad: Part II - the main hero


I made some good progress and finished up the remaining Khazad guard for the red and green kinsband. They will be led by Balin himself.

Next up: the warriors!

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Baruk Khazad: Starting the new kIngdom of Khazad Dum army

I finally started with my new dwarven project. It has been on and off of my to do list for the last decade and I already painted up a few warriors across the years. In 2014 (I guess) I decided to use three different colourscemes so my dwarfs would represent three different Kinsbands.

I started with the blue kinsband that will probably be led the King's Champion is most of the battles :D


A song of ice and fire miniature game: the Night's Watch part VII

Last update on the Night's Watch project. I finnished my builder crossbowmen. Another unit to join the fight. Now I just need to start with the Wildmen.


Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Heroes of Osgiliath

I painted up the last models from the Osgiliath starter set: the new plastic ranger heroes. Very lovely models and a nice addition to the ranger army.