Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Gondor at war: second scenario + building my own bar for the mancave

"This city of Osgiliath has been reclaimed for Gondor!"

We played the retaking of Osgiliath scenario in our Gondor at war campaign. It was an easy win for Gondor. The scenario felt very unbalanced. 19 bows against a few orcs was just a masacre. And when the orcs clashed against a Minas Tirith shieldwall with F4/F5, banner reroll and +1 to wound it was done. Even the troll stood no chance against Boromir with banner.

Next up: ambush at Itilien.

In the mancave I made some more progesss. I built my own bar with some palettes. Now I just need a few barstools.

Meanwhile the extra shelves arrived for my display cabinets so that will be the first job to finish.

For Gondor! (part III)

"The rule of Gondor is mine!"

I made some more progress on my Gondor force. I painted up the new Denethor and Irolas together with some of the citadel guard.

For Denethor I tried a new effect and tried to recreate a glow from the fire:

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Mumak War leader

"Grey as a mouse
Big as a house
Nose like a snake
I make the earth shake
As I tramp through the grass
Trees crack as I pass
With horns in my mouth
I walk in the South
Flapping big ears
Beyond count of years
I stump round and round
Never lie on the ground
Not even to die
Oliphaunt am I
Biggest of all
Huge, old, and tall
If ever you'd met me
You wouldn't forget me
If you never do
You won't think I'm true
But old Oliphaunt am I
And I never lie"

I painted the war leader and his mumak. Already started in december and it obviously took a while to paint ;). Happy with the result. The forgeworld upgrade kit adds a lot of detail to the model.

This is the start for my Far Harad side project. A warband of warriors is sitting on the desk.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

For Gondor! (part II)

"Here was one with an air of high nobility such as Aragorn at times revealed, less high perhaps, yet also less incalculable and remote: one of the Kings of Men born into a later time, but touched with the wisdom and sadness of the Eldar Race." 

I finished Faramir and some old metal warriors of Minas Tirith. Good old sculpts and a joy to paint. With them finished my Minas Tirith army is nearly complete. Next up: Denethor and Irolas!

Sunday, February 3, 2019

For Gondor!

"One day, our paths will lead us there and the tower guard will take up the call: The Lords of Gondor have returned." - Boromir

I made some more progress on my Minas Tirith force. I painted up two of Gondors finest warriors: Aragorn en Boromir:

I even managed to win the best painted trophy with my Gondor army at Belchop 2019. The latest tournament from the Flemish Hobbit League.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Gondor at war: Defence of Osgiliath

"Something is about to happen, wich has not happened for an age..."
We finally have our first new source book since ages, I can't even recall the release of the last one. And what a supplement! New models, new profiles, legendary legions and a grand new campaign. 

I started this game with the release of the return of the king starterset and the battle of the Pelennor fields is my favorite piece of lore ever since.

I always wanted to play a major battle with thousands of points of models and already painted up large Gondor, Mordor, Fiefdoms and Haradrim hosts. I checked all the scenario's and I still need to paint about 30 models and a corsair army to play through all the scenario's. 
(With the support of my friend Jaspers Rohan army and a few proxies for half of the 24 clansmen ;) )

So my targets for this year are very clear now: paint up all the models needed and play through the grand campaign.

We already started with the first scenario: Defence of Osgiliath

I will command the legions of the White city for this campaign.

A few pictures of the battle:

Turn three: the orcs advanced on the right flank and I decided to give up the flank instantly, focusing my small army on the center. I figured a strong defence position could give me the upper hand.

Turn 5: Gondor stood firm, slaughtering wave after wave of orcs 

Turn 8: disaster struck. Orcs advancing from the left flank where reaching the objective there. Meanwhile some orcs made it to the fountain and destroyed the objective.

The last two turns where a race towards the last objective. Eventually Damrod saved the day with a heroic move consolidating the objective for the last turn.
Faramir survived granting the forces of good a first victory.

Next up: Retaking of Osgiliath!